Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Review

Tom Venuto is a very serious bodybuilder and trainer who has written an in-depth primer on diets. In 341 pages of step-by-step detail, he explains how to establish your own baseline for the appropriate intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is not a quick-fix diet for the average person. It is a first-class fact-based guide to proper dieting for bodybuilders who are also competitive on the pro bodybuilding circuit.

Anyone can benefit from this book and from Tom’s program, but understand that it is intended for serious bodybuilders.

The Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle book and program are available for $39.00 and $59.00, depending on which program you purchase. A sixty-day money-back guarantee accompanies either program level. This takes a lot of concern out of making the right choice.

Any bodybuilder preparing for a contest will benefit from Tom Venuto’s approach to pre-contest dieting to eliminate that last bit of subcutaneous fat so the muscles are displayed in all their glory.

Two bonuses that are available with Venuto’s plan are Foods that Burn Fat, and Foods that Turn to Fat. They contain some very good information for anyone wanting to maximize their physical potential and look their very best.

Tom’s approach is much different that run-of-the-mill diet books. He advises that there is no one-fix-for-all diet. You must know your body type and how it reacts to protein, carbs and fats before you can establish the proper diet for your needs.

The book goes into great detail, probably too much detail for the average dieter, but his information is scientifically and soundly based. His program is very complex, but once you figure out how to navigate through, the information is probably among the best you’ll ever find.

Venuto is a “natural” bodybuilder, free of any chemical performance enhancers. In fact, he is not a strong advocate of any supplements, believing instead that all of your nutritional needs should come from a proper diet program.

In his book, Tom emphasizes goal setting and then he sets out to coach you on how to set, maintain and achieve them. This book goes beyond dieting. It could change your life forever.

Many of the testimonials from users of Tom’s program are not bodybuilders, but people who were very serious about weight loss.

As well as dieting for fat loss, the book covers how to avoid muscle loss while on your diet. This is of great interest to bodybuilders who fear losing their bulk while dieting for definition.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle does not promise any “quick-fixes.” You have to be very serious and willing to dedicate the time and effort to overcome body fat. The book also is a strong advocate for working out with intensity, both strength training and cardiovascular exercising.

Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is to bodybuilding dieting what Bill Pearl’s Keys to the Inner Universe is to bodybuilding exercises. Both are absolutely the best in their field and buying Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle will almost certainly help you reach your bodybuilding goals.